A downloadable game for Windows and Linux


A relaxing single player 3D puzzle game with procedurally generated puzzles, where you combine together pieces to compose beautiful landscape.

High replayability

Each puzzle is procedurally generated, which gives you the ability to play and replay the same puzzle.

Stop to admire the solved puzzle

Use the view rotation to enjoy the completed puzzle that comes to life.

Version 1.0.00 updates:

  • top down puzzle view (mini-map), rotates according to the viewing angle of the camera
  • changed UI
  • box creation, containing all the blocks of the puzzle. It is now possible to choose which blocks to place
  • camera view, centered on the game grid
  • changed level graphics
  • new background

Version 2.0.00 updates:

  • new grid
  • box removed
  • changed UI
  • new camera rotation system
  • changed controls

Version 2.1.00 updates:

  • new level selection menu

Version 2.2.00 updates:

  • new blocks
  • updated UI

Version 2.3.00 updates:

  • new blocks
  • updated UI

Version 2.4.00 updates:

  • swap selected tile with grid tile

Version 2.5.00 updates:

  • Russian language
  • Japanese language

Version 2.6.00 updates:

  • German language
  • Spanish language
  • Portuguese language

Version 2.7.00 updates:

  • Korean language
  • Traditional Chinese language

Version 2.8.00 updates:

  • special puzzle pieces

Version 2.9.00 updates:

  • final version

Version 2.9.01 updates:

  • the mouse cursor is not shown if you use the gamepad

Version 2.9.02 updates:

  • possibility to replay the tutorial puzzle if you are unable to proceed in the game

Version 2.9.03 updates:

  • key binding

Version 2.9.04 updates:

  • use mouse to move tiles

Version 2.9.05 updates:

  • improved start tutorial

Version 2.9.06 updates:

  • Thai language
  • Norwegian language
  • Simplified Chinese language

Version 2.9.07 updates:

  • Romanian language
  • Swedish language
  • Finnish language
  • Polish language
  • Hungarian language

Version 2.9.08 updates:

  • Clickable in game UI icons

Version 2.9.09 updates:

  • Returns to a specific page of the first tutorial

Version 2.9.10 updates:

  • Use mouse to move view


Jigsaw-Land win 2.9.10 Demo.zip 65 MB
Jigsaw-Land linux 2.9.10 Demo.zip 66 MB


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(1 edit)

I would purchase it, if you would enable the mouse for placing the pieces of land.

I understand your request but this implementation would involve a significant change in the game itself (changing and adapting a lot of code to this functionality).

What is the difference between the demo and the full game?

(3 edits)

In the demo there is the first 1 levels (the easiest) and one biome, while in the full game there are 26 levels and all biomes.

(1 edit)

love the simplicity. found from youtube
i got used to the o/p controls pretty quickly , but i see you are intending to add control changing in the future

felt like i wanted to be able to swap pieces that were already placed, without removing them to the piece box - but it looks like returning to the piece box is a key part of the gameplay design, like when filling a jigsaw puzzle on a real table

i feel like the piece box could be expanded as part of the gameplay by making the pieces start jumbled before they are picked up (like flipping and sorting jigsaw pieces when starting a puzzle)

depending how relaxing/challenging you want the game to be: it would be neat to see a little bonus tracker for placing a piece without bringing it back to the box, or for placing the next piece auto selected (combo), or for placing all of the pieces very quickly

I think it might be less confusing for players if the piece box is on screen at the same time as the board, this might mean you have to have an option to have a smaller piece box and find a good spot to place it onscreen

maybe there could be animations for pieces when they are placed correctly/incorrectly? (late late polish type stuff)

 About the box

I thought back to both the game and me playing the game.

As you suggest it is necessary that all the pieces are visible at the same time, this way the player can better understand how to place the pieces together (which is useful with the more difficult puzzle).

This led me to the final conclusion of having all the pieces in a bigger grid (as also suggested by a user on reddit), the central part of the grid becomes where the pieces go to complete the puzzle.

This removes the need for a box.

At the moment I want to nail the main game mechanic, so I am leaving the polish for later.

I appreciate you playing my game and take the time to write me your opinion, thanks!

nice, love the new layout
the different island tiles and tilesets are very cute

I am glad you like it.

The next update will modify the main menu.

Removing the separation of the puzzles in biomes and having the possibility to solve different biomes puzzle as the game progresses.

If you try the game, I would love to hear your opinion.